Koncz András

Managing Partner, Consultant, Coach

When I was preparing for my first organization development program in 2000, I was so thrilled and anxious, I could hardly fall asleep. Since then, I learned a lot about this profession as an OD consultant and coach, through hundreds of exciting projects. I sleep well, and I am still enthusiastic. I love my job. I love that I have the chance to work with the most excellent leaders and businessmen/women in partnership and with freedom, representing the values that are most important to me: integrity, honesty, credibility, ambition, positive and supportive connection. As an OD consultant I help building professionally successful, honest, healthy and happy communities. As a coach I support my partners to become the best version of themselves. In addition to practicing, I have taken up teaching this profession in our own OD and coach courses.

Since 2016, I am the co-owner and managing director of Neosys. Along with my partner, Szabolcs Szmejkál, I consistently strive to attain the same values that I represent towards my clients:

  • professional attitude
  • having and providing freedom – while taking on the responsibility that comes with it
  • transparency – we give each other straightforward feedbacks and we aim for open dialogues
  • priority of the community – meaning: we put the common good ahead of individual interests.

I also try to stay active and live a balanced life. I read extensively, do sports (nowadays I mostly run) and I meditate an hour every day. I often recharge my batteries outdoors, with the help of nature the I value immensely.

Szmejkál Szabolcs

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Koncz András

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